Bringing your office together through board games at lunch.
Jan. 8, 2022

Shelf of Shame

Shelf of Shame

I took the time to log all my games into a spreadsheet. Then, I took the time to mark the ones that I have and have not played. I was shocked, and appalled, to discover that I have 64 games on the proverbial "shelf of shame." I find this unacceptable. My 2022 New Year's Resolution will be to play these 64 games, or at least 50+ of them, and get this shelf under control! I will be posting short reviews of the games as entries here. Some might even turn into whole episodes. Who knows? The first game will be Animals in Espionage by Joe Hout and published by Twin City Games. This was a Kickstarter that arrived a few months ago. Stay tuned for the review!